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La chanteuse et mannequin Iggy Azalea porte un sac Louis Vuitton rose flashy à Los Angeles le 20 novembre 2015. Elle porte un bandage sur la main gauche car elle s'est fait retirer un tatouage. Singer Iggy azalea leaving dermatologist for a tattoo removal on her fingers in Beverly Hills, California on November 20, 2015. Iggy is preparing her married life with Nick Young, which is set to happen in 2016.20/11/2015 - Los Angeles
La chanteuse et mannequin Iggy Azalea porte un sac Louis Vuitton rose flashy à Los Angeles le 20 novembre 2015. Elle porte un bandage sur la main gauche car elle s'est fait retirer un tatouage. Singer Iggy azalea leaving dermatologist for a tattoo removal on her fingers in Beverly Hills, California on November 20, 2015. Iggy is preparing her married life with Nick Young, which is set to happen in 2016.20/11/2015 - Los Angeles © BestImage
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