Présidentielle américaine à Los Angeles: le candidat Kanye West fond en larmes pour son premier meeting! Kanye West poursuit son chemin en politique. Le rappeur, qui a annoncé sa candidature à la prochaine élection présidentielle américaine, en novembre prochain, a tenu son premier meeting, dimanche 19 juillet, en Caroline du Sud. Vêtu d'une veste pare-balles où était inscrit "sécurité", Kanye West a abordé une foule de sujets, dans un discours décousu. Pendant une heure, il s'est exprimé devant un parterre d'invités, qui ont été tenus de signer un formulaire de décharge de responsabilité liée au coronavirus, de porter des masques et de respecter la distanciation physique, selon les médias américains. Le musicien s'est notamment emporté sur la question de l'avortement, expliquant que sa femme Kim Kardashian et lui avaient réfléchi à y avoir recours, et que son père aurait voulu qu'il ne naisse pas. "Mon père voulait que ma mère avorte de moi. Ma mère m'a sauvé la vie. Il n'y aurait pas eu de Kanye West parce que mon père était trop occupé", a-t-il lancé, en se mettant à pleurer. Le 19 juillet 2020 Kanye West reveals during presidential rally he stopped wife Kim Kardashian aborting their daughter North. The rapper said he stopped Kim from having an abortion when she was pregnant with their first child, North - after God spoke to him. He made the shocking announcement as he broke down in tears during his first presidential campaign in South Carolina. Kanye gave a long speech at the Exquis Event Center in Charleston, when the topic of abortion got brought up. “My dad wanted to abort me. My mom saved my life. There would have been no Kanye West without my mom," he said of mother Donda who passed away in 2007. The Yeezy fashion mogul then recalled debating going through their first pregnancy with Kim. He yelled to the crowd: “She had the pills in her hand! My girlfriend called me screaming, crying. I'm a rapper. And she said: 'I'm pregnant'. She was crying." Kanye - who said he was working on his laptop in Paris at the time - added: "My screen went black and white. And God said: 'If you f with my vision, I'm going to f with yours. And I called my girlfriend and said: 'We're going to have this child'. Even if my wife were to divorce me after this speech, she brought North into this world." He then screamed: “I almost killed my daughter. No Plan B. There is Plan A.” Kim gave birth to their first child together, North, on June 15, 2013. She also shares sons Saint, 4, Psalm, 1, and two-year-old daughter Chicago with the musician. West spent much of the time discussing abortion, and announced that he wanted women to be given money by the government for bearing children, to discourage abortion. "Abortion should be legal but the option of maximum increase should be available," he said. "Everybody who has a baby gets a million dollars or something." He pointed out that Steve Jobs was adopted, and said it 'takes a village' to raise a child, emphasizing that he wanted all mothers to be free from worries about child care, adding: "It takes a village to raise a child. No matter how much money you have. Society is set up for single women to not have a village. So I moved to a small town, in Cody, Wyoming." He also said that he was concerned about gun violence, but supported gun ownership, saying: "When other countries come in, and you have no weapons, what do you think will happen? You're enslaved. Guns don't kill people, people kill people" - 19th july 202019/07/2020 - Los Angeles

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