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La princesse Charlotte, le prince Louis, le prince George de Galles - La famille royale d'Angleterre lors du défilé "Trooping the Colour" à Londres. Le 17 juin 2023 Princess Charlotte, Prince George and Prince Louis during Trooping the Colour at Horse Guards Parade, London. Trooping the Colour is a traditional parade held to mark the official birthday of Britains Sovereign. It will be the first Trooping the Colour held for King Charles III since he ascended to the throne. Westminster London England Horse Guards Parade Copyright: xBenjaminxGilbertx
La princesse Charlotte, le prince Louis, le prince George de Galles - La famille royale d'Angleterre lors du défilé "Trooping the Colour" à Londres. Le 17 juin 2023  Princess Charlotte, Prince George and Prince Louis during Trooping the Colour at Horse Guards Parade, London. Trooping the Colour is a traditional parade held to mark the official birthday of Britains Sovereign. It will be the first Trooping the Colour held for King Charles III since he ascended to the throne. Westminster London England Horse Guards Parade Copyright: xBenjaminxGilbertx © BestImage, Imago / Panoramic / Bestimage
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Prince George de Galles
Prince George de Galles
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