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- La famille royale de Suède assiste à une messe à l'occasion de la naissance du prince Oscar Carl Olof à Stockholm en Suède le 3 mars 2016. Royal family at Te Deum thanksgiving service. Today a Te Deum thanksgiving service was held in the Royal Chapel at the Royal Palace on the occasion of the birth of Prince Oscar Carl Olof, the second child of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. Invited guests are the immediate family, representatives of the parliament, the government and the official Sweden and the Royal Courts staff.03/03/2016 -
- La famille royale de Suède assiste à une messe à l'occasion de la naissance du prince Oscar Carl Olof à Stockholm en Suède le 3 mars 2016.  Royal family at Te Deum thanksgiving service. Today a Te Deum thanksgiving service was held in the Royal Chapel at the Royal Palace on the occasion of the birth of Prince Oscar Carl Olof, the second child of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. Invited guests are the immediate family, representatives of the parliament, the government and the official Sweden and the Royal Courts staff.03/03/2016 - © BestImage
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