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Guest - Remise du prix "Un Certain Talent" au film "The Treasure (Comoara)" dans le cadre du palmarès "Un Certain Regard" lors du 68ème festival international du film de Cannes, le 23 mai 2015. "The Treasure (Comoara)" movie wins "Un Certain Talent" Prize during "Un Certain Regard" awards the day before the closing ceremony of the 68th Cannes International Film Festival, on May 23rd 2015.22/05/2015 - Cannes
Guest - Remise du prix "Un Certain Talent" au film "The Treasure (Comoara)" dans le cadre du palmarès "Un Certain Regard" lors du 68ème festival international du film de Cannes, le 23 mai 2015.  "The Treasure (Comoara)" movie wins "Un Certain Talent" Prize during "Un Certain Regard" awards the day before the closing ceremony of the 68th Cannes International Film Festival, on May 23rd 2015.22/05/2015 - Cannes © BestImage
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