Petra Ecclestone étrille son ex-mari James Stunt, mytho, violent et père absent
Publié le 26 novembre 2019 à 15:32
Par Holo Han | Rédacteur
Comme celui de la série My Holo Love, Holo le journaliste se fait discret. Il observe l'actualité mode, musique et sport, et l'analyse dans les moindres détails…
Après leur divorce, Petra Ecclestone et James Stunt auraient pu tourner la page. Au contraire, ils se clashent sur les réseaux sociaux et étonnent des milliers d'internautes. La jeune femme a décidé de dire ses quatre vérités au sujet de son ex-mari.
James Shunt et sa femme Petra Ecclestone - Soirée de pré-mariage de Nicky Hilton et James Rothschild au manoir Spencer House à Londres. Le 9 juillet 2015. James Shunt et sa femme Petra Ecclestone - Soirée de pré-mariage de Nicky Hilton et James Rothschild au manoir Spencer House à Londres. Le 9 juillet 2015.© BestImage
Petra Ecclestone va dîner au restaurant avec son mari James Stunt à Londres, le 3 avril 2014.
Petra Ecclestone et son mari James Stunt à Los Angeles en septembre 2011
Petra Ecclestone et son mari James Stunt au Grand Prix de Formule 1 à Monaco le 27 mai 2012
Petra Ecclestone. Novembre 2019.
Petra Ecclestone. Novembre 2019.
La suite après la publicité

Petra Ecclestone et James Stunt ont divorcé en octobre 2017, mettant fin à un mariage qui a duré six ans. Bien qu'ils aient tourné la page, les deux ex-époux continuent d'échanger des invectives. Petra a décidé de laver son linge sale en public et clashe James sur Instagram, "un homme odieux et narcissique", menteur et papa absent pour ses trois enfants.

"J'ai toujours été une personne discrète et n'ai jamais voulu laver mon linge sale en public. Malheureusement, Instagram a donné à @james_stunt29 une plateforme pour écrire des mensonges publiquement sur ma famille et moi pendant trop longtemps, écrit Petra Ecclestone sur Instagram. Pour cette raison, il est maintenant temps de dire la vérité sur mon ex-mari, un homme odieux et narcissique qui refuse de nous laisser tranquilles."

Ces vérités, la fille du milliardaire Bernie Ecclestone les rédige dans trois publications consacrées à James Stunt. Sur la première, elle révèle à ses près de 16 000 abonnés que son ex-mari n'est pas milliardaire et ne l'a jamais été. "J'ai, naïvement, financé sa vie pendant toute la durée de notre mariage et ai payé pour ses voitures, ses montres, ses oeuvres d'art (les quelques-unes d'authentiques), même son entreprise qui a coulé, Stunt and Co. Malheureusement, James avait une obsession maladive pour l'argent et d'être vu comme un milliardaire indépendant et qui a du succès. L'ennui est qu'il passait la grande partie de ses journées au lit, défoncé aux médicaments."

Elle ajoute : "Vers la fin de notre mariage, il s'était mis à se maquiller entièrement le visage (...) et a même dit à des amis qu'il était le fils illégitime du prince Philip [le mari de la reine Elizabeth II d'Angleterre, ndlr]. Quand il m'a agressée et a menacé de me tuer, je suis partie et ne suis jamais revenue."

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I have thought long and hard regarding what I am about to post. I have always been a private person and never really wanted to have my 'dirty laundry' aired in public. Unfortunately, Instagram has given @james_stunt29 a platform to publicly tell lies about my family and I for too long. For that reason it is now time to tell the truth about my ex husband - a horrible and narcissistic man who simply will not leave us alone. Firstly, let's shatter the James Stunt myth. The man is not a billionaire and never was. Naively I funded his life for our entire marriage and paid for his cars, his watches, his art (the few real ones) even his failed company, Stunt and Co. Sadly, James always had such a sick obsession with money and being perceived to be an independently successful billionaire. The trouble is he spent most of his days in bed, high on prescription drugs.. Whilst we were married, he had someone create a Wikipedia page stating he was a billionaire. Later, he had an entire website created, listing himself on a billionaire rich list, that he then paid google ads to promote if anyone searched his name. This gives you just a small insight into the bizarre world I found myself in, as a young and nave 23 year old girl. In some respects I blame myself for helping create the monster he has now become. I gave him the access to money and the more he had the worse he became. He simply wasn't like that in the beginning. Still to this day I pay the bills of a Rolls Royce he financed in my name, not to mention the storage of all of his art in LA. Towards the end of our marriage he had taken to wearing a full face of make up, insisted on using a satellite phone (as apparently all of his calls were being bugged) and even told friends that he was Prince Phillips illegitimate son. When he physically attacked me and threatened to kill me, I walked out and never came back. We have three wonderful children together, but sadly he has never taken an interest in them. I have never once tried to stop him seeing his children, however the court did order that he would need to pass a drugs test to do so - something he has never been able to do. Continued

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"Nous avons trois magnifiques enfants ensemble, mais malheureusement il ne s'est jamais intéressé à eux, poursuit la maman de Lavinia et des jumeaux James et Andrew [6 et 4 ans, NDLR]. Je ne l'ai jamais empêché de voir ses enfants, bien que le tribunal ait ordonné qu'il passe un test de dépistage aux stupéfiants avant, quelque chose qu'il n'a jamais été capable de faire. James n'a jamais envoyé une carte d'anniversaire ou de Noël aux enfants et ne fait aucune démarche pour entrer en contact avec eux."

Petra Ecclestone insiste sur les menaces que James Stunt aurait proférées contre son fiancé Sam Palmer et elle : "Les menaces violentes de James sont une des raisons pour lesquelles nous avons quitté Londres et nous sommes installés à Los Angeles. Il a déjà sollicité des gens pour menacer Sam... Les enfants et moi avons la chance d'avoir un vrai père et un vrai compagnon dans nos vies, un homme qui ne veut pas que les gens pensent qu'il est riche ou célèbre mais qui prend soin de nous, simplement. J'aimerais que James nous laisse tranquilles pour toujours et reçoive l'aide dont il a besoin. Étrangement, je crois sincèrement qu'il est un bon père, même s'il raconte à ses abonnés achetés sur Instagram qu'il aime consommer de la cocaïne. Je suis triste de me dire que mes enfants verront tout ça un jour."

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James has never even once sent the children a birthday or Christmas card and makes no effort to contact them. As people can see from his rants and erratic behaviour on Instagram, it is not safe for me to put my children in harms way. In regards to the recent articles in the Daily Mail, referencing the forged art that James loaned to Prince Charles and Dumfries House, I actually met Tony Tetro, the art forger, at our house In LA during the time that James was commissioning the paintings to be made. It is therefore somewhat baffling to me to now hear James say that the paintings are real. I was also recently contacted by a friend in London, who James was trying to secure a 20m loan with, using the fake art as collateral. Needless to say they were rather angry after reading the articles in the newspaper. One of the reasons we moved from London to LA was to get away from all the threats of violence from James . He has had people try to threaten Sam because he is not man enough to do it himself. The sad reality of it is James is not a gangster, he's a public school boy that likes to pretend he is from the street and related to gangsters. He's not. He's just a prat. Sam has called him so many times to try and put a stop to all this nonsense, but like a true coward he will not answer, and instead rambles on in drug fuelled rants about us on Instagram. Myself and the children are so lucky to now have a real father/partner in our lives - a man who doesn't want people to think he is rich or famous but who just cares about us. I wish James would just leave us all alone forever and get the help he needs. Strangely he actually believes he is a good father, whilst going on instagram telling his purchased followers that he likes to inject cocaine. I am so sad that one day my children will probably see all of this. James rants obsessively and on a daily basis about my father, but yet all he has ever tried to do is help him. James conveniently forgets the 10m my Dad loaned him to fund his failed Gold business, Stunt and Co. I guess he won't be getting that back anytime soon. Continued

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The things that James has said about me, Sam, my father, my mother and the rest of my family are as disgusting and despicable as they come. Just last week he said on Instagram that he hoped my unborn child dies from aids. So enough is enough now. James claims I sold his Lamborghini. The reality is that it was a kit car with a Ford key - something else that is not real about James Stunt. I can 100% say I did not sell the car, my house manager simply moved it because James had dumped it at our house and refused to have it moved. Probably because he enjoyed the free storage. James likes to say he never violently attacked me because charges were not filed. Well he absolutely did attack me and threaten my life and the charges were only dropped because I didn't want the father of my children to be taken to prison, something I regret not pursuing everyday. I paid James millions in our divorce settlement as I felt this was the right thing to do. I assume he now must of spent it and that's why he constantly sends messages blackmailing me and my father to buy him a house. As a final insult, when we separated James refused to leave the family home, forcing the children and I to stay in a rented apartment until he was eventuall removed by the court. In this time he was having cocaine binges with his friends in mine and the children's home. Not the caring father he likes to publicly claim. I have no hatred, only sadness that a man I was once married to can be so full of venom. I don't know if he is simply an evil person made worse by the drug use or actually mentally unwell. I have literally begged his parents to get him help, I do not know what more I can do. I ask anyone reading this to report @James_stunt29 to Instagram as he is causing me distress on a daily basis. I am a pregnant mum of three and I just want to be able to get on with my life. I hope and pray that my ex husband seeks help and if anyone knows how to make this happen then I would really appreciate it. The man needs to be sectioned for a while and given the appropriate counselling. I am sorry for the long message but I no longer know what to do and I hope that someone reading this might

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L'intéressé, James Stunt, a évidemment réagi. Il publie des extraits de clips et de films sur Instagram et a qualifié les écrits de son ex-femme de "campagne de dénigrement pathétique" et de "tentative tragique de corrompre la justice".

L'homme, qui a perdu son frère Lee, retrouvé mort chez leurs parents en 2016, ajoute au sujet de ses enfants : "Mon message est pour tous ceux qui pensent que je ne les aime pas... J'aime mes enfants plus que tout et que n'importe qui."

Petra et James s'étaient mariés en août 2011.

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