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Le roi Juan Carlos et la reine Sofia d'Espagne font leurs adieux aux membres du gouvernement, de l'exécutif, du législatif et du judiciaire lors d'un déjeuner au palais Zarzuela à Madrid. Le 18 juin 2014 The Kings of Spain Juan Carlos and Sofia, offering lunch at Zarzuela Palace to bid farewell to the heads of the branches of government, both the executive and the legislature and the judiciary, pose with the prime minister, Mariano Rajoy (3i), his wife Elvira Fernandez (2i), President of the Senate, Pio Garcia Escudero (3d), the Supreme Court and the Supreme Judicial Council (GCJ), Carlos Lesmes (2d), and also the president of Francisco Pérez de los Cobos Constitutional Court Tuesday 17 June 2014 Madrid17/06/2014 - Madrid
Le roi Juan Carlos et la reine Sofia d'Espagne font leurs adieux aux membres du gouvernement, de l'exécutif, du législatif et du judiciaire lors d'un déjeuner au palais Zarzuela à Madrid. Le 18 juin 2014  The Kings of Spain Juan Carlos and Sofia, offering lunch at Zarzuela Palace to bid farewell to the heads of the branches of government, both the executive and the legislature and the judiciary, pose with the prime minister, Mariano Rajoy (3i), his wife Elvira Fernandez (2i), President of the Senate, Pio Garcia Escudero (3d), the Supreme Court and the Supreme Judicial Council (GCJ), Carlos Lesmes (2d), and also the president of Francisco Pérez de los Cobos Constitutional Court Tuesday 17 June 2014 Madrid17/06/2014 - Madrid © BestImage
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