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Viscount James Severn, the son of the Countess of Wessex operates a remote controlled car at the Land Rover Experience stand, on the fifth day of the Royal Windsor Horse Show at Windsor Castle in Berkshire, UK on Sunday May 17, 2015. The equestrian show runs from 13th-17th May and is held in the private grounds of Windsor Castle. Photo by Steve Parsons/PA Wire/ABACAPRESS.COM17/05/2015 - Windsor
Viscount James Severn, the son of the Countess of Wessex operates a remote controlled car at the Land Rover Experience stand, on the fifth day of the Royal Windsor Horse Show at Windsor Castle in Berkshire, UK on Sunday May 17, 2015. The equestrian show runs from 13th-17th May and is held in the private grounds of Windsor Castle. Photo by Steve Parsons/PA Wire/ABACAPRESS.COM17/05/2015 - Windsor © Abaca
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